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The greatest Australian story never told is not this story… it will be the one we write!

“On behalf of my ancestors who speak through me. They who wish to be heard and make things right. On behalf of the whispers of the land that has called me since birth, and all those who have been wronged and wish to rest in peace. This is my divine purpose; to communicate the message of peace.  Help me create a story that can be folded into our timeline, to be told for generations to come. May we touch move and inspire our children’s, children.”

– Angela Sciberras

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Ancient Albion dreaming aligns with this place and time, the symbolism crying out once more to the ancestors of this bloodline, codes hidden in their DNA, the myths of the Grail and Excalibur. Join the dots backwards with Angela to unlock the puzzle of the past in the hope of creating the greatest Australian story never told. The greatest Australian story never told is not this story, it will be the one we will write together. The story the future will tell about us. May this book become a tiny gold thread within the fabric of the tapestry of peace, redemption and the fulfilment of the prophesy of the return of the once and future king.

Some might say a sacred text, others a story of the journey of her being called to stand for peace and reconciliation. Spanning many years and countless jaw dropping synchronistic experiences, Angela shares the mystical journey she has walked while being guided by her ancestors and inspired by some of the most influential people in history.

Almost 20 years, in excess of 10,000++ hours of Kinesiology and Neuro-Training client sessions, Angela has become an expert in the ability to gather, see and understand the pieces to the subconscious puzzle that is how we do life.

Author of “Death the Door Music the Key. A Girl, A Harp at the Bedside of the Dying,” and respected pioneer of the cutting-edge work of Therapeutic Music and Sacred Ceremonial Harp work in Australia, Angela has mastered the art of creating sacred space, being with, and altering the suffering of mankind.

We thank OneMobDreaming, and Uncle Allan Phillips for his support on this journey, and look forward to creating initiatives that enhance unity. Onemobdreaming is the vision and registered charity of Uncle Allan Phillips. For more information about OneMobDreaming please email:

Alchemist of the body, mind and spirit, Angela is a connector to the ancestors and lineages. A timeline healer she connects you to the gift of endless synchronicity, hope, and awe, providing a powerful experience of mystical proportions. This story shares a mystical path that took Angela on a journey with some of the greatest heroes of humanity. 

A collection of woven metaphorical symbols, to ignite your awareness to explore the vast bounty of expanded states and new realms awaiting us. My life, and the lives of our ancestors before me, are a culmination of a dream, dreamed long before, by those dead long before my birth. A dream of sovereignty, love and peace.

The ancient stories of King Arthur, Merlin, the Round Table, the Holy Grail, and Excalibur align with this place and this time, the symbolism crying out once more to the ancestors of this bloodline, the ancestors who know this myth as a part of themselves. A signpost for our present and future direction, join the dots backwards with me to unlock the puzzle of the past to declare a glorious future, the greatest story never been told. The story our ancestors will tell about us. No mere convict. Throw off the shackles of control and pain. Reconcile our past here and in the greater world. To restore sovereignty to all souls.

My Dream

 This book is unique in the way the elements and symbols of the story have been brought together like never before. This is a sacred text, true story and living transmission of the journey of my being called to stand for peace and reconciliation, to communicate the message of love, peace and divine sovereignty. This project spans years, countless synchronistic manifestations and connections. 

They Sent Me Forth


The greatest Australian story never told.


This is my divine purpose, and somehow it has led me to you. Please help me create the most beautiful myth and story that can be folded into our timeline and told for a hundred years from now to touch, move and inspire our children’s, children.


Buy your signed copy here



If you have a question about any of my services or would like to know more about They Sent Me Forth, The Greatest Australian Story Never Told. Please drop me a line below.